Friday, June 22, 2012

Day 174 - June 22

On any given day recently, Michaela calls herself either Buzz (as in Lightyear of Toy Story fame) or Dash (of The Incredibles fame). Sometimes, she's both of them within minutes of each other. I hear a lot of "I'm not Dash. I'm Buzz now!" Or vice versa. Oh, and I get to be Jessie. Or Elastigirl. And Jason gets to be Woody or Mr. Incredible.

But even though she chooses to be male characters from movies, she's still got a little bit of Princess in there as well. The last two mornings, she's pulled out her Rapunzel dress (which is purple) and her Olivia ballet shoes (which are red... there is no matching going on here) so she could "ballet with the Beast." Not wanting to choose a favorite Princess, she just says she's a princess. This morning, Beast went back into the castle, but all the Princesses were there with her, because, "I'm a princess too!!" (said, while pointing to herself).

So here she is, dancing with the rest of the Princesses. There was a lot of twirling. A lot.

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