Saturday, July 28, 2012

Day 210 - July 28

First of all... Happy Birthday, Mom!!

Moving on.....

I like to call today's picture "goes against every fiber of my being."

Why is that? Well, let me explain.

As a breast-feeding mom, and someone who is very seriously considering being a lactation peer counselor when she grows up, there are some "rules" I generally advocate new breast-feeding moms follow, including myself.

One of those rules is to not introduce an artificial nipple of any kind too early in the breast-feeding relationship so that you don't mess with establishing your supply of milk, or confuse a baby with an easier-to-eat-from-than-the-breast bottle. As a general rule, "they" (you know, the experts) say to not introduce a pacifier until the baby is somewhere between 2 and 4 weeks old.

Cate is 10 days old today and she had her first taste of silicone.


I feel like a bad breast-feeding mom. But sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do.


  1. You are NOT a bad mom, you are an amazing mom. You have to do what is right for you. And besides, those rules are more like guidelines (said in my best Captain Jack Sparrow voice).

  2. You are definitely NOT a bad mom! Pacifiers for Abby were a lifesaver... all she wanted to do was suck all day. Lexi won't get near them (and we introduced them to her early) - she is a better nurser than Abby and was introduced to a pacifier much sooner
