Sunday, July 8, 2012

Day 190 - July 8

She's growing up too fast. Way too fast.

Michaela isn't even 3 yet (though we're close) and she already recognizes all but 2 letters by sight (E and N give us problems), the numbers 1-10, can count pretty well (we need to work on that a bit more - at least getting past 16), and, apparently, she can write some letters, too. At least one letter.

In church this morning, she asked me to write a 7. Then she asked me to write a 1. Once the 1 was on the paper, she said, "I'm gonna write a h." And she did.

Usually she tells us she's going to draw something or write a letter or a number and then it looks nothing like it's supposed to. But today, she very deliberately wrote a capital "H."

SLOW DOWN, kid! Mommy's not ready for you to be doing this stuff!!

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