Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Day 291 - October 18

Have I ever mentioned how grateful I am for the invention of the cellphone camera? Most days, without that, I don't think I'd take a picture at all and this blog would be nearly impossible.

Today's picture is a quick shot from playgroup this morning... Michaela with two of her friends, climbing on the railing. I wish I'd taken video a few minutes earlier when it was just her and Mason... Mason was climbing, so Michaela climbed up on the opposite side of the railing. Then she decided to go to the same side as him, which prompted him to move to the other side. They went around like that for about three or four turns of switching sides. It was pretty funny!

It's so fun to see her actually coming close to playing with other kids now, though, instead of just playing in the same general vicinity. We're not quite there yet, but I think being around the other kids at Mom's Day Out is helping build her social skills. She doesn't reach out to hit other kids nearly as often anymore!

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