Friday, December 28, 2012

Day 363 - December 28

Sometimes I have to take a picture just to tell a story.

And tonight is one of those times.

A few days before Christmas, Jason mentioned wanting a Red Sox Tervis tumbler. He had been at the Exchange and looked at the Tervises there, but they didn't have any non-Coast Guard ones.

I, uh, I mean Michaela and Cate, had already bought some golf balls for him for Christmas, but I figured Michaela and Cate might want to give him a cup instead. So I spent a small fortune to ship a Red Sox tumbler here just days before Christmas.

It's worth it, though, to hear Michaela ask him every night, "Daddy, how's yer Sox?" She doesn't just ask him, she's laughs hysterically every single time.

At least she thinks she's funny!

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