Monday, July 11, 2011

Day 192 - July 11

Oh boy, does this one keep me on my toes! (Yet another reason to not have another kid. One seems to be more than I can handle!) At least she makes me laugh, too!

We had some errands to run this morning. Michaela decided her Easter pinwheel needed to make the trip with us. So, off we went, pinwheel and Bear in tow, to mail a package from the local mail services store and grocery shop at Target.

While I was busy stuffing things that were sort of too big to fit into a flat-rate box, Michaela came over to me and told me to hold Bear and then disappeared behind me. (No worries... it's a very small store and we were the only ones in there. And you can tell when someone opens the door.) The next thing I knew, the owner of the store was chuckling, so I looked up to see what she thought was so funny.

It was my daughter. She had figured out the benefits of a fan when it meets a pinwheel. I need to get a fan for the house, now. I think we could have hours of entertainment with this one.

1 comment:

  1. Totally beats time in front of Dora the Explorer! Just wait until she figures out that her voice sounds funny when she talks into a fan. I swear, I still find that amusing for hours...
