Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Day 115 - April 24

I have two pictures for today, and they have absolutely nothing to do with each other. Seriously. Nothing.

But I want to use them both anyway, and it's my blog, so I'm going to.

For those who don't come to this blog via FaceBook, you haven't seen my excitement about it being my birthday month (I posted that on April 1) and, more importantly, my birthday week! I decided the celebration for my birthday week would start just 4 days before my birthday this year (usually it's exactly a week out) because we're going to New Orleans this weekend and will continue to celebrate for a couple days after my birthday, so I had to adjust accordingly. So my birthday week officially started yesterday and will continue through Sunday.

Thus, it was completely appropriate - and appreciated! - that I got three birthday cards in the mail today! YAY!! Not only was it fun mail (i.e., not bills), but it was all for me!!!

Expect more about my birthday throughout the week. And consider that your fair warning. I like my birthday. A lot.

And then on a completely unrelated note, I have decided that there's pretty much nothing cuter than a toddler wearing jeans and flip-flops. Since it was cool enough for jeans today, but not so cold as to need to cover toes, I got my chance to get a quick picture of M's jeans and flops before we headed out for an unplanned dinner at Moe's (courtesy of Jason's night flight being cancelled and my only "plan" for dinner being to feed the kid whatever she asked for). Tell me that jeans and flops on a toddler isn't the cutest thing in the world!!

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