Friday, April 22, 2011

Day 112 - April 22

What? No kid picture?

How about flowers the kid gave me? Does that count? Of course, she had a little help from her daddy, but when they got home from the store today, she was the one who handed them over to me (and then took them out of the bag and laid them nicely on the floor).

Two beautiful bunches of tulips to help celebrate my birthday week!

And this was an exercise in using inside light (courtesy of the bazillions of watts that emanate from our 9-bulb dining room light fixture), the right white balance, and the right ISO to avoid noise while also getting a fast enough shutter speed for a hand-held shot. (Doesn't it sound like I know what I'm talking about with this photography stuff?) Oh, and to further add to it, I used one of the side focus points in the camera rather than using the center one and then just recomposing. I know, crazy.

So even though it is most certainly summer-like in our neck of the woods, at least I can pretend it's only spring inside with my tulips!