Sunday, January 23, 2011

Day 23 - January 23

Grandpa Joe left today. But luckily his flight wasn't until late this afternoon, so we had the chance to hit the playground this morning for a little fun!

Michaela has learned the fun of having two people hold her hands and swing her in the air while she's supposed to be walking somewhere. The downside to this is that she says "Again!" and starts to hang on your fingers before you get the chance to get a good grip so there's often the chance of a falling child. The upside is that she's the world's slowest walker, so we can usually get about 3 or 4 steps further than normal by employing this technique.

The upside for her is that it's just plain fun. Especially when both adults are tall - unlike the times when it's tall Daddy and short Mommy.

1 comment:

  1. The fact that it's warm enough for Jay to wear shorts....well that's just awesome!

