Thursday, January 13, 2011

Day 13 - January 13

I said I was going to mention the cold in the picture for today. At that point, the only picture I'd been able to snap was an iPhone pic of my dashboard display, saying it was 27 degrees out this morning. But then we got out for a walk with the dog this afternoon, and I brought my camera along. So no more dashboard picture. (But, seriously, 27 degrees? In Alabama? Hello, this is the Deep South. It's not supposed to be that cold!!!)

As we pass the playground across the street from the house, EVERY time we pass it, Michaela says, "I play?" about a million times. Most of the time we're in a hurry to get home for dinner at a decent time, so we say no a lot. Today, we figured a few minutes wouldn't hurt.

Michaela wasn't the only one who wanted to play I guess.

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