Sunday, April 21, 2013

Day 110 - April 20

I had a few options for pictures today. I decided to show the healthy side of our household instead of the completely unhealthy side.

So instead of a picture of the Zaxby's (fried chicken finger restaurant) Jason nicely brought home for me, I'm going with one of Michaela's vitamins.

Sometimes I feel like we're all a bunch of old people around here with all the pills and vitamins we take every day. Since I started taking prenatal vitamins way back before I actually got pregnant with Cate, though, I figured it wouldn't hurt for Michaela to have a multivitamin as well. And then, in addition to the multivitamin, I thought it would be good for all of us to give our immune systems a bit of a boost.

So now Michaela takes four and a half vitamins every day to go along with the six I take.

We have two gummie multivitamins (Jake and the Neverland Pirates), a D3, a probiotic, and a half of a 500mg chewable Vitamin C. I take the same things (including gummies - but mine aren't Jake), along with extra folic acid as well. There's so much, I got us pill containers and everything. Craziness.

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