Monday, September 3, 2012

Day 247 - September 3

I was too busy to take a picture during the day today, so tonight's picture is the result of a desperate search for something to use.

Why was I too busy? Well, the morning was spent feeding a baby and grocery shopping. And then feeding a baby again. And then I shifted into getting ready for company mode.

Our friends Jim and Melissia, who moved to NC last summer courtesy of the Coast Guard, are in the area for a little new-family-of-3/visit friends in Mobile vacation. Although we'll see them tomorrow at a group gathering, we wanted to get the chance to see them outside a group setting, too. Mostly because I needed to get the chance to meet my new Godson, their son Jameson! I got to "go" to his Baptism via Skype last Sunday and then finally got to meet him today!!

Probably I should've had someone take a picture of us together at some point (note to self: do that tomorrow) since that would've made a great picture for today. But instead, I took a picture of my own kid....

And in this picture, she's completely ignoring me because she caught sight of the TV and was mesmerized. Again. I'm not proud to say that my almost-7-week-old child seems to love TV as much as her mom. In addition to limiting the toddler's TV time, it looks like I'm going to have to limit my own while the baby's awake. I think "they" frown on babies watching TV.

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