Saturday, July 6, 2013

Day 187 - July 6

I have two pictures for today... one of each girl.

The one of Michaela has a story behind it. I almost shot smoothie out of my nose laughing right before I took it.

So this afternoon, Michaela was outside riding her balance bike and then she decided she wanted to move on to her tricycle. We thought she was outgrowing the trike, until Jason realized he could move the seat back (duh). So, as he was doing that, I asked her to sit next to Cate on the driveway so I could take a picture. I had my big camera out, and Michaela had sweetly picked out her "Big Sister" shirt to go with the "Little Sister" onesie Cate was wearing today. It was perfect.

But Michaela was cranky, so she outright refused to look at the camera, let alone smile. I told her that was fine and I would just never take a picture of her again (not my finest parenting moment, but her attitude is starting to wear on me).

Fast forward a couple hours (there's a point to all this, I swear), and I'm sitting at the table with Cate while she finishes shoving every piece of food possible into her face. Michaela was playing with her Duplo blocks and says, "Mommy, can you take a picture of me with my ice cream truck? I'll even smile for you."

That's when I lost it. And once I recovered from nearly snorting (reverse snorting?) my smoothie and the laughing in general, I took a picture of her, even smiling.

The picture of Cate shows her new-found love of popcorn. I gave her the puffy pieces without the kernel in them tonight and, after an initial weird face from the first taste, she decided she liked it. A lot. So that would be her, waiting for me to put the next piece in her mouth, like a baby bird.

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