Monday, March 25, 2013

Day 84 - March 25

Yesterday, we had a high temperature of nearly 80 degrees. Michaela played outside in shorts. I wore short sleeves. Cate was out in short sleeves. We had an awesome family walk after dinner with just light sweatshirts as the temperature started to cool off.

Today it was not like that.

The high temperature was about 60, but, with a biting, cold wind, it felt a lot colder than that. By 8 tonight, it was about 50 degrees out, but probably felt more like 40 degrees. I really needed some time to myself, though, so we bundled Cate up and Jason took her on his walk with Fred (Michaela was in bed already). I'm glad to see we've now gotten two whole uses out of this fleece suit (one was in NY). We got it when Michaela was a baby, but never used it for her because it wasn't heavy enough for Kodiak. Who knew it would be perfect for a walk in Mobile the night after an almost-80-degree day? Crazy weather!!

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