Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Day 242 - August 29

Cate is 6 weeks old today!!

Over the past six weeks, we've asked Michaela many times if she wanted to hold Cate. We tried at the hospital. We tried shortly after we got home. We tried while Grandma and Grandpa Jeff and Aunt Heather were here. We tried while Mimi and Papa were here. A few times she told us that she was ready to hold the baby, but when it came down to it, she squirmed away every time.

Well, apparently 6 weeks is the magic number.

Today, completely out of the blue, she said, "Mommy, I'm ready to hold Cate now," and then she flopped down in the middle of the floor. So I grabbed the closest camera and tried to get her set up on the floor. The floor is NOT the place for a 3-yr-old to try to hold a newborn, though, so I moved her to the couch.

(Thankfully, I did get the baby into her lap for a few seconds on the floor so she didn't get gun-shy by having to move.)

So we moved to the couch, got a pillow under Michaela's arm for a little extra support, spread out a blanket in case there was spit-up (good grief, there's ALWAYS spit-up!), and plopped a baby in her lap. And she didn't flip out, she appeared to enjoy it, and she didn't want me to pick Cate up when she started to get a little fussy.

It was adorable and it just made my heart so full! (And I'll have to remember that feeling if we don't get out of the house yet again tomorrow because mostly I wanted to strangle both of them by the end of the day today after WAY too much time inside over the last few days!!!!)

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