Thursday, August 23, 2012

Day 236 - August 23

Cate was trying today. She kept acting like she wanted to fall asleep all afternoon, but wouldn't succumb to any of my normal tricks to get her to sleep. Or, she would fall asleep, but then not stay that way (until I just held her, which is what I was trying to avoid because I REALLY needed to do laundry... I did 3 loads eventually and still have 4 to do tomorrow).

So in the midst of trying to get the laundry done, I turned on the hair dryer sound on my white noise app and left her laying on the Boppy for a few minutes. I came back out to the living room to see this. The black thing on the floor on the left side of the picture is my iPhone. I love that her pacifier was out, but still touching her lips.

For more entertainment... the light blue thing next to the Boppy is the onesie I planned to put on her after she spit up all over her other outfit. But I changed my mind and left her in just a diaper since she just kept spitting up. But she was chilly, so I added the blanket. But she doesn't like her arms covered, so then I tucked a burp cloth up onto her chest. *sigh* She's fun.

And, for the record, I turned down the sound shortly after I took this picture (I was trying to not go crazy by having to listen to it), and she woke up. That's why I gave up on laundry and just sat on the couch with her. And that is why only 3 loads of laundry got done.


  1.|10492553&CPNG=health%20beauty&ci_sku=10492553&ci_gpa=pla&ci_kw= The Best Baby Product hands down. Used one for all the kids and they still sleep with them on every night. I would too but I do need to hear things!

  2. Okay so that wasn't clickable it's a white noise machine that is super loud and my babies all loved it and still do!
