Thursday, August 29, 2013

Day 239 - August 27

It's important to apply lessons learned to the next kid after you screw things up with the first one.

In this case, the issue is the shower.

We didn't get Michaela used to the shower early enough and she just recently, since turning 4, is not afraid of it. This may not seem like a big issue, but sometimes it's a pain in the butt to try to get her a bath (like when we're traveling or when I'm solo-parenting and it kills my back to lean over the tub).

So we decided to make sure to not make the same mistake with Cate and we've been forcing her into the shower (sounds terrible, right?) since early on. She was not a fan at first and there was a lot of squirming and crying.

Then she got old enough to stand up and the shower got a lot better. She absolutely LOVES to stand in the water now. Yay!

The downside? Every single time the shower is running, whether it's her turn for a shower or not, she stands outside of it, trying to take her clothes off and yelling. Luckily, she hasn't figured out how to take her diaper off yet, or this would be a nakey picture!

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