Saturday, December 7, 2013

Day 337 - December 3

There are some nights that, in the thick of things, I sometimes think it might've been better to stop at one kid.

I love Cate and I can't imagine our family without her anymore, but she makes it hard to be her parents sometimes.

This picture shows the aftermath of a night when she literally woke up screaming every 20 minutes. And the little bit of sleeping she did was on top of Jason, in a chair, in the living room. (Which, unfortunately, is not far enough away from the master bedroom for me to sleep through the screaming!) Needless to say, everyone was pretty wiped out the next morning.

And, shortly after I took this little gem, and right before I was going to head out to go to MOPS, Cate vomited on Jason. It was an isolated vomit incident (and gross!), but it gave us a little bit of an idea as to why the night was so bad.

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