Thursday, September 12, 2013

Day 253 - September 10

I pretty much jumped up and down and did a little cheer for myself this morning.

I stepped on the scale and saw my "normal" weight for the first time since about a day before I got pregnant with Cate. Ok, maybe like a month after I got pregnant. But still, it's been a while.

Of course, if I'd tried anything other than using the fact that I'm still nursing as a weight-loss technique, I might have gotten to this point sooner. I've been sitting around 5 lbs more than I want to be for probably about 12 of Cate's almost-14 months.

Then Jason went on a trip for work and I didn't eat out a whole bunch of times (because it's a pain to bring two kids to a restaurant alone), I ate lots of homemade fruit and veggie smoothies (coconut water, water, kale, strawberries, mango, and pineapple), I didn't snack a ton at night because I was too busy snuggling a baby, and the weight started to come off.

I fell off the wagon a little when he first got back, but got back to it and, voila!, back to 120!

Now I should probably get active again, too. Cate won't nurse forever!

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