Sunday, November 10, 2013

Day 314 - November 10

Cate is a creature of habit. She goes to sleep at night at about 8 or 8:30. Generally, she nurses before she goes to sleep and theoretically shouldn't need to nurse again for quite a while.

But she wakes up from her first sleep cycle around 10:30 or 11 and the only thing that will get her to conk out again is to nurse again.

I can't say I mind too much... it gives me the chance to snuggle for just a few more minutes before I head to bed, too. I would say "until the morning" or something silly like that, but I'll see her again in a few hours.

It's a good thing she's so good at cuddling and being cute. Otherwise it might bother me that I'm on over 16 months of not getting a full night of sleep.

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